Se describen dichos procedimientos así como las herramientas de producción desarrolladas para diferentes versiones de AutoCAD, concluyendo la exposición con una herramienta implementada sobre Visual LISP para AutoCAD MAP que sirve de instrumento para la codificación de la información geográfica de acuerdo a los criterios enunciados en la Norma de Intercambio de Cartografía Catastral (NICCa) [10]. Esta herramienta presenta, para cada Tema, mediante Cuadros de Diálogo, los Grupos y Subgrupos que corresponden al tipo de entidad seleccionada (lineal, centroide, perímetro, punto o texto), realizando una comprobación del tipo de objeto CAD para desechar aquellos que no correspondan a las características de dicha entidad. Los códigos se incorporan en el formato de Datos de Objeto de MAP siendo exportables, junto a la correspondiente geometría y de manera directa, a los formatos .MIF de MapInfo, Shapefile de ArcView y Coberturas ARC/INFO que son en el momento presente los más utilizados de la industria SIG.
2. Abstract
The present paper deals with the experiences undertaken in three different projects in which the authors have taken part during the past nine years, two of them within the framework of collaboration agreements between the University of Cantabria and local institutions. These projects have demanded the definition of procedures for the attachment to CAD entities of the data needed for their future use in GIS environments.These procedures and the coding tools developed for different releases of AutoCAD are described in detail. We conclude with a tool developed under Visual LISP for AutoCAD MAP which implements the coding of CAD entities according to the criteria exposed in the Spanish Cadastral Cartography Exchange Standard (NICCa) [10]. This tool operates through a Dialog Box that lists, for each Theme, the appropriate Groups and Subgroups according to the selected feature type (lineal, centroid, perimeter, point or text). The CAD entities included in the selection set to which the code is to be applied are filtered so those that are incongruent with the chosen feature type are excluded from the coding process. Feature codes are attached in MAP's Object Data format and, as such, are directly exportable, linked to the associated geometry, to the most widely used GIS industry formats such as MapInfo Interchange Files (.MIF), ArcView Shapefiles, and ARC/INFO Coverages.